Dear Guests,

We are really happy to invite you to our wedding and we surely hope you can make it even in the middle of the week.
However, a lot of our guests are from Shanghai so we have prepared a comfortable travel bus for you to take you to the ceremony and bring you back to Shanghai in the evening!
The Bus will leave at the main gate of our home on the interception of Beijing Road and Datian Road, near the Gas station. The address of the Place is Fengyang Road 588.

The bus will leave at 2:30 pm on the afternoon of the 09th of September and will bring you back to Shanghai after the Ceremony at around 9:30 pm!

Please let us know as soon as possible if you want to take this bus.

Of course you might also travel to Zhenjiang by yourself. Please do not hesitate to ask us about directions any time!

If you would like to stay at the Biyuyuan Hotel, the place where the wedding will take place, we got a special deal. You can stay for 456 RMB / Room including breakfast. The Hotel is a resort in a beautiful location. We are sure you will enjoy staying there!

Please let us know if you are able to join before August 30th.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the party!

Thanks a lot!

Yours Jenny and Sebastian